Faculty Directory

Title Address Email Clinic Phone Number Office Phone
Michael Eugene Aronov D.O.
Assistant Professor
Subspecialty: Epilepsy
804 Service Road
Room: A217
East Lansing, MI 48824
aronovm1@msu.edu (517) 353-8122 (517) 432-9277
Michael Boivin
Michael Boivin Ph.D., M.P.H.
965 Fee Road
Room: A227
East Lansing, MI 48824
Boivin@msu.edu (517) 353-8122 (517) 432-9277
Tyson Burghardt
Tyson Burghardt M.D., FAES (he, him)
Associate Professor
Subspecialty: Epilepsy, Seizure and Neurophysiology
804 Service Road
Room: A217
East Lansing, MI 48824
Burghar8@msu.edu (517) 353-8122 (517) 432-9277
James Christopher Buswinka D.O.
Assistant Professor
Subspecialty: Neurology
804 Service Road
Room: A-217
East Lansing, MI 48824
buswinka@msu.edu 517-353-8122 517-432-9277
Howard Chang M.D., Ph.D.
Subspecialty: Neuropathology
788 Service Road
Room: B-401
East Lansing, MI 48824
Changho1@msu.edu (517) 353-8122 (517) 432-9277
Larry Charleston, IV M.D., MSc, FAHS
Professor, Director of Headache & Facial Pain, Director of Faculty Development
Subspecialty: Headache and Facial Pain
804 Service Road
Room: A-217
East Lansing, MI 48824
Charles6@msu.edu 517-353-8122 517-432-9277
I. Zachary Dyme
Zachary Dyme M.D.
Associate Professor
Subspecialty: Pediatric Neurology
804 Service Road
Room: A217
East Lansing, MI 48824
Dyme@msu.edu (517) 353-8122 (517) 432-9277
Michael Flink D.O., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Subspecialty: Comprehensive Neurology
804 Service Road
Room: A217
East Lansing, MI 48824
flinkmic@msu.edu (517) 353-8122 (517) 432-9277
Brandon Francis M.D., MPH
Assistant Professor
Subspecialty: Stroke and Neurocritical Care
804 Service Road
Room: A217
East Lansing, MI 48824
franc221@msu.edu (517) 353-8122 (517) 432-9277
John Goudreau D.O., Ph.D.
Associate Professor; Associate Dean of Research
Subspecialty: Movement Disorders and Parkinson's Disease
804 Service Road
Room: A217
East Lansing, MI 48824
Goudrea2@msu.edu (517) 353-8122 (517) 432-9277
Rajeel Imran M.D.
Assistant Professor and Residency Program Director
Subspecialty: Vascular Neurology
804 Service Road
Room: A-217
East Lansing, MI 48824
imranraj@msu.edu 517-353-8122 517-432-9277
Furqan Irfan M.D. (MBBS), Ph.D., M.B.A.
Assistant Professor, Director of Research
909 E Wilson Road
Room: B-325a
East Lansing, MI 48824
irfanfur@msu.edu 517-884-3833
David Kaufman, D.O.
David Kaufman D.O.
Professor, Assistant Vice President for Clinical Affairs, Office of Health Sciences
Subspecialty: Neuro-Ophthalmology, Concussion and National Multiple Sclerosis Society Clinic
804 Service Road
Room: A217
East Lansing, MI 48824
Kaufman1@msu.edu (517) 353-8122 (517) 432-9277
Ryan Keating D.O.
Assistant Professor
804 Service Road
Room: A217
East Lansing, MI 48824
keatin30@msu.edu (517) 353-8122 (517) 432-9277
Suad Khalil M.D.
Associate Professor
Subspecialty: Pediatric Neurology, Epilepsy and Headache Medicine
804 Service Road
Room: A217
East Lansing, MI 48824
khalilsu@msu.edu (517) 353-8122 (517) 432-9277
Kathryn Lovell
Kathryn Lovell Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus
788 Service Road
Room: B401
East Lansing, MI 48824
Lovell@msu.edu (517) 353-8122 (517) 432-9277
Barbara Pickut
Barbara Pickut M.D.
Associate Professor
Subspecialty: Movement Disorders
804 Service Road
Room: A217
East Lansing, Michigan 48824
pickutba@msu.edu (517) 353-8122 (517) 432-9277
Joseph Pysh
Joseph Pysh D.O., Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus
Subspecialty: Comprehensive Neurology
804 Service Road
Room: A217
East Lansing, MI 48824
Pysh@msu.edu (517) 353-8122 (517) 432-9277
Anmar Razak
Anmar Razak M.D.
Associate Professor; Chief of Cerebrovascular Disease Division
Subspecialty: Stroke, Cerebrovascular Disease and Neurointervention
804 Service Road
Room: A217
East Lansing, MI 48824
Razak@msu.edu (517) 353-8122 (517) 432-9277
Rachel Rosenbaum
Rachel Rosenbaum D.O.
Assistant Professor
804 Service Road
Room: A217
East Lansing, MI 48824
Rosenba9@msu.edu (517) 353-8122 (517) 432-9277
Amit Sachdev M.D.
Assistant Professor; Director of the Division of Neuromuscular Medicine
804 Service Road
Room: A217
East Lansing, MI 48824
Sachdeva@msu.edu (517) 353-8122 (517) 432-9277
Hyeyoung Seol M.D.
Assistant Professor
Subspecialty: Vascular Neurology
804 Service Road
Room: A-217
East Lansing, MI 48824
seolhyey@msu.edu 517-353-8122 517-432-9277
Christos Sidiropoulos M.D.
Assistant Professor
Subspecialty: Movement Disorders and Parkinson's Disease
804 Service Road
Room: A217
East Lansing, MI 48824
Sidirop3@msu.edu (517) 353-8122 (517) 432-9277
Kabelo Thusang M.D.
Assistant Professor
804 Service Road
Room: A-207
East Lansing, MI 48824
Thusangk@msu.edu (517) 353-8122 (517) 432-9277
Jayne Ward
Jayne Ward D.O.
Professor and Chair
Subspecialty: Comprehensive Neurology and National Multiple Sclerosis Society Clinic
804 Service Road
Room: A217
East Lansing, MI 48824
JWard@msu.edu (517) 353-8122 (517) 432-9277
Sunita Yedavally
Sunita Yedavally D.O.
Clinical Associate Professor
Subspecialty: Neuro-Ophthalmology
804 Service Road
Room: A217
East Lansing, MI 48824
Yedavall@msu.edu (517) 353-8122 (517) 432-9277
April Yuki M.D.
Assistant Professor
804 Service Road
Room: A-217
East Lansing, MI 48824
yukiapri@msu.edu 517-353-8122 517-432-9277

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