Patient Care

Welcome to the Neurology and Ophthalmology Clinic!

David Kaufman, D.O. ChairpersonWe are delighted to welcome you as a patient to our Clinic. Here at the Michigan State University Neurology and Ophthalmology Clinic we specialize, treat and assist patients in a variety of ways. This includes the treatment of many different types of neurological and ophthalmologic disorders and diseases such as:

Cognitive Disorders

Multiple Sclerosis


Muscular Dystrophy

General Neurology


Geriatric Neurology

Parkinson's Disease


Pediatric Neurology

Huntington's Disease

Stroke/Neuro-Interventional Vascular Neurology

Movement Disorders


This Clinic prides itself on its vibrant faculty and dedicated staff. These people have been brought together from many different locations throughout the country to help develop the Neurology and Ophthalmology Department at Michigan State University. They are, without question, the Clinic’s main asset. Our faculty and staff's vision is to develop this Clinic's programs for the benefit of the people of the State of Michigan and well beyond. Please feel free to contact me directly if there is anything specific I can do to be of assistance to you that is not outlined within our web page. You can reach me at 517-353-8122 or by e-mail:

Once again, welcome to the Department of Neurology and Ophthalmology!

David Kaufman, D.O.
Department of Neurology and Ophthalmology
Michigan State University


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