The Department of Neurology has a vibrant research program which is recognized for its high level of intramural and extramural funding. Its involvement in basic bench research, clinical research, translational research and medical education have allowed broad funding opportunities from the NIH and other federally funded agencies, foundations and industry sponsored contracts and grants. Collaboration with investigators from other departments, universities and global partners contribute significantly to the Department’s diverse research portfolio.
Areas of research focus include concussion, Parkinson's disease, stroke and neuro-intervention, epilepsy, neuro-degeneration including Alzheimer's disease, optic neuritis, ischemic optic neuropathy, and multiple sclerosis. In addition, there is research being conducted in sub-Sahara Africa by the Neuro-Epidemiology Division of the Department in the area of epilepsy induced by CNS infectious diseases like AIDS and CNS malaria.
The Department of Neurology and Ophthalmology has an active and robust clinical research focus and is affiliated with the MSU Neuroscience Program. Information about the Department’s past and ongoing research is detailed under the faculty profiles and individual research links on our website.