Program Information
To educate outstanding neurology residents and assist their entrance into academic medicine or excellent private neurology practice. We will do this by providing a firm foundation for lifelong learning through exposure to research intense faculty with excellent didactic and clinical skills.
The Michigan State University/Sparrow Health System Neurology Residency Program provides its residents with a vibrant and focused neurology training program. This program, over its first decade, has accomplished some remarkable things. Our specialty board pass rate is 100% to date. Graduates have entered into terrific fellowships, secured academic faculty opportunities nationwide and also acquired exceptional private Neurology positions. There have been exciting research projects pursued and presentations at national meetings. The successful resident applicant has the opportunity to learn from faculty that have been brought together in East Lansing from top programs throughout the United States.
Educational Goals
The goals of the Neurology Residency Program include the following:
Progressive responsibility in the care of patients with neurologic diseases;
The inculcation of sound medical principles by which to develop mature clinical judgment;
Creation of an interest in major research trends and the development of teaching skills;
The inclusion of principles and practice as an integral approach to the neurologic patient;
Provision for continuity of didactic and clinical experiences that enable residents to be qualified for the practice of neurology.
MSU/Sparrow Health System Neurology Residency Program
At Sparrow:
Organized and progressive responsibility in the care of patients with neurologic diseases is the essence of the Residency Program. This is achieved under the supervision of outstanding and dedicated faculty. As residents progress through the program, their clinical neurologic judgment will mature. We help provide interest in research trends through exposure to clinical and basic researchers. Teaching skills are highly coveted and emphasized. Continuity of residency education experience is an essential part of training. The program will strive to provide residents with this vital continuity in medical educational efforts to build a foundation for lifelong learning. Sparrow Hospital
At Michigan State University:
The Residency Program provides each resident with senior resident and faculty mentors upon arrival. We then expose residents to graduated patient care responsibilities as they develop their expertise. The outpatient component of the education program provides opportunities for longitudinal care in general neurology and subspecialty areas. The outpatient setting occurs on the campus of a well-known academic community (Michigan State University). This allows the residents additional opportunities in teaching and research. The Department of Neurology and its outpatient clinics are located in the Michigan State University Clinical Center where outstanding outpatient facilities including radiology services are available (three MRI units, computed tomography, CTA and PET), as well as on-site neuroradiologists for consultation.
Residency Selection Criteria
Residency selection is the responsibility of the Michigan State University-Sparrow Neurology Residency Selection Committee. Supervision over the selection process and residency notification resides with the committee and is led by the Committee Chair and the Program Directors. To be eligible, applicants must meet certain criteria including the following:
Graduate from an accredited college of medicine, with outstanding board scores, along with three letters of recommendation, preferably with at least two from neurologists;
Candidate MUST have participated in formal clinical training or full clinical practice within the last 22 months;
Maximum of 3 years separation from medical school or clinical work;
Excellent spoken and written communication skills;
Foreign Medical Graduates must have completed six months of medical or research experience in North American, passed USMLE Steps 1 and 2 and have valid ECFMG certification at the time of application;
Submit a complete application and provide required supporting documents through ERAS;
Sign a waiver stating that you are nicotine-free prior to being scheduled for an interview. You will not be hired if any nicotine or nicotine metabolites are in your system regardless of the source; (this is based on Sparrow policy);
Participate in and complete the interview process;
Sign a contract upon approval and acceptance into the program;
Particular attention is paid to applicants with outstanding verbal and written communication skills who are “team” players;
We encourage on site rotations when appropriate by applicants.
Educational Components
The length of the program is four years and includes the PGY-1 year. The residency can include up to one year in experimental neurology, research, or work emphasizing the neurological relationship with basic science if desired by the successful applicant. The program is designed to integrate clinical care and bedside teaching. Integral parts of the program include didactics, instruction in principles of education, organization, administration, ward management, and teaching.
Clinical work shall at least include performing/exposure to neurologic procedures and techniques, including:
EEG, evoked potentials, EMG, neuro-ophthalmology sensorimotor examination, autopsy, brain cutting, LP, cerebral angiography, CT, MRI, neurosonology, and research skills.
Therapeutics, including mechanotherapy, rehabilitation, neuropharmacology, and nutritional therapy.
Adequate clinical exposure to the full spectrum of neurologic diseases including degenerative/demyelinating, trauma, epilepsy, infectious and toxic, neuromuscular, congenital, genetic, neoplasm, vitamin deficiency, cerebrovascular, pediatric neurology, geriatric neurology, endocrine, and other neurologic manifestations of systemic disease.
Active participation by residents is expected at educational conferences and meetings, including the following forums:
Daily morning report.
Weekly didactic lectures
Neurology Grand Rounds: a weekly conference where neurology and physiatry topics are presented by staff and visiting professors.
Muscle Conferences
Morbidity and Mortality Conference: a quarterly, case-oriented neurology conference focusing on recent cases with an emphasis on clinical decision making.
Journal Club: a monthly conference assigned on a rotating basis among the attending and resident staff emphasizing recent neurology research literature.
Brain Cutting Conference: gross findings on interesting brains with clinical history are reviewed, typically every two weeks.
Clinical-Pathologic Conferences: Cases are selected for discussion based on academic challenge and educational merit.
Daily Neuro-Ophthalmology Case Conferences.
Additionally, three months of daily neurobiology lectures will be offered, including teaching/participation in MSU medical school courses.
Monthly symposia that are a day long didactic opportunity
The faculty and staff of the Department of Neurology participate in numerous subspecialty care clinics, including:
Alzheimer’s Disease
Cognitive Disorders
Comprehensive/General Neurology
Huntington’s Disease
Movement Disorders
Multiple Sclerosis
Muscle Disease (MDA Clinic)
Parkinson’s Disease
Residency Curriculum
Inpatient rotations will take place predominantly at Sparrow Health System, while outpatient clinics will take place at the MSU Clinical Center. A sample curriculum appears below:
Internal Medicine - 6 months
Neurology - 2 months
Cardiology - 1 month
Emergency Medicine - 1 month
Neurosurgery - 1 month
Psychiatry – 1 month
Weekly Neurology Outpatient Ambulatory Clinic
Consults/Inpatient Service - 6 months
EEG - 2 months
Pediatric Neurology - 1 month
Rotating Clinical Experience - 3 months
Weekly Neurology Outpatient Continuity Clinic
Consults/Inpatient Service - 4 months
EMG - 3 months
EEG – 1 month
Neuro-Ophthalmology - 1 month
Pediatric Neurology - 1 month
Rotating Clinical Experience - 2 months (or 1 month Rotating Clinical Experience and 1 month Research)
Weekly Neurology Outpatient Continuity Clinic
Consults/Inpatient Service - 4 months
Elective -3 months o Neuropathology - 1 month
Pediatric Neurology - 1 month
Psychiatry – 1 month
Rotating Clinical Experience - 2 months
Weekly Neurology Outpatient Continuity Clinic
Elective rotations may include additional months in:
Geriatrics/Cogntive Neurology
Movement Disorders
Neurobiology Research
Neuro-Epidemiology Research
Psychiatry - Liaison Service
Multiple Sclerosis Clinic
Muscular Dystrophy Association Clinic
Neuro-Vestibular Clinic
Residency Benefits
This is a brief description of the benefits provided by Sparrow Hospital. This summary is intended only to provide an overview. Residents are welcome to review the detailed policies in the Human Resource or Medical Education offices. Employee benefit plans are reviewed at least annually and changes may be mandated by governmental regulation or may be desirable from the employer's standpoint. The employer reserves the right to add, terminate, alter or replace the various benefit programs.
I. Resident/Subspecialty Resident Stipend
Residents and Subspecialty Residents are paid an education stipend, as specified in their contract, which is payable in biweekly installments.
Residents-2023-24 | Subspecialty Residents 2023-24 | ||
PGY 1 | $56,812/year | PGY 5 | $63,629/year |
PGY 2 | $57,948/year | PGY 6 | $65,846/year |
PGY 3 | $59,084/year | PGY 7 | $67,606/year |
PGY 4 | $61,356/year |
II. Other Financial Benefits
Continuing Medical Education (CME) - Sparrow Hospital provides a CME allowance of $1,500 for each academic year. CME funds will be dispersed in the beginning of the academic year.
License Fees - Each residency year, Sparrow will pay the full cost of a Michigan "Educational Limited License" and the Michigan "Controlled Substance License" or will prorate the cost of the permanent licenses for the period the resident is in a Sparrow residency program, after their first year. Federal DEA license fees are the responsibility of the resident.
Personal Loans - Personal Loans may be arranged through the Medical Education Department. Loans (for moving, etc) up to $500, may be arranged as a payroll deduction and will appear on the resident's first payroll check. Requests for such loans are made through the Medical Education Department.
Meal Allowance - Each resident will receive meals while on duty at Sparrow Hospital consistent with the resident meal allowance policy. Annually the hospital approves a total resident meal fund that is allocated to the residency programs.
III. Duty Hours and Time Off
The purpose of resident education programs offered by Sparrow Hospital is education. Sparrow recognizes that quality education can only be provided when quality patient care is foremost with attending and resident physicians. In order for a resident to achieve optimal educational benefit and patients to achieve optimum patient care, a variety of duty hours are necessary. The hours of duty and responsibilities of residents will be determined by the Residency Programs in conformance with standards set by Accrediting Agencies, specialty guidelines, and high standards for the specialty care patients. Duty hours will be limited to 80 hours per week, averaged over a four week period, inclusive of all in-house call activities and all moonlighting. Time spent by residents in Internal and External Moonlighting must be counted towards the 80-hour Maximum Weekly Hour Limit. Interns cannot moonlight. Residents must be scheduled for a minimum of one day free of duty every week (when averaged over four weeks). At-home call cannot be assigned on these free days. Residents may not be assigned to in-house call activities more frequently than every-third-night. The frequency of at-home call is not subject to the every-third-night limitation, but must satisfy the requirements for one-day–in-seven free of duty, when averaged over four weeks. Residents must not be scheduled more than six consecutive nights of night float. A resident must report any violations of duty hours rules to his/her Program Director and/or to Graduate Medical Education. Time off for any reason must receive prior approval of the Residency Director. Residents must be responsible for understanding that accreditation, graduation licensing and board eligibility may all be affected by Leaves of Absence from a Residency Program. If there is any doubt about the effects of a Leave of Absence on graduation, accreditation, licensing, or board eligibility, the Resident is responsible for obtaining written clarification prior to taking the Leave of Absence. The Residency Program Director may provide guidance and assistance. Leaves of absence must follow Human Resources’ policies.
Family and Medical Leave - Resident is eligible to take up to 12 work weeks (or a 12 week equivalent in certain circumstances) of F&M Leave provided the Associate has worked for Sparrow for at least one year prior to requesting the leave, and has worked for at least 1,250 hours over the previous twelve months.
Vacation Days - Residents are allowed twenty (20) days per year which must be requested and taken in accordance with the policies set forth on the vacation request form. Vacation is a yearly benefit and will not carry over from one year to the next
Holidays - All residents shall abide by the standard hospital holiday policy. Currently, six holidays are recognized (Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, New Year's Day, Memorial Day, and Fourth of July). If a resident is on duty during a holiday, they may schedule an equivalent day off at another time, during the same rotation, with the approval of their Chief Instructor and Residency Director. Holiday on call rotations are established in the monthly schedule and any subsequent changes are to be made directly between the individuals involved and approved by the Resident's Program Director.
Military Service Leave - Military service leave is allowed without pay consistent with Human Resources policy. Arrangements for a military service leave is to be made through the Program Director with approval by the Director of Medical Education.
Illness and Injury Income - A resident who is disabled due to a personal injury or personal illness including pregnancy will receive 100% of their base pay, less withholding taxes, for regularly scheduled days missed beginning on the first working day missed due to personal injury or personal illness, and ending upon the earlier of cessation of the injury/illness or 120 calendar days after the first day of absence. Official training period credit may be withheld for a sick leave of greater than five consecutive days, based on policies of individual programs and their accreditation agency. At the discretion of the Program Director and the Director of Medical Education, the time of the total program may be extended to an amount equal to the extent of the sick leave.
Other - Other Leave(s) may be granted consistent with Hospital policy.
IV. Insurance
Residents are eligible for the standard Hospital insurance coverage as defined in the Human Resources policies as they exist from time to time. Residents are subject to conditions and details of these policies. Below is a summary:
Professional Liability Insurance - Sparrow provides residents with professional liability insurance coverage which provides legal defense and protection against awards from claims for alleged acts or omissions of the residents provided these acts or omissions are within the scope of the Residency Education Program, regardless of when the claim is reported or filed. SPARROW PROVIDES NO INSURANCE COVERAGE OF ANY KIND FOR LEGAL DEFENSE OR LIABILITY AWARDS INCURRED AS A RESULT OF MOONLIGHTING ACTIVITIES. The hospital and the residents agree to cooperate fully with the insurance company in the handling of any professional liability claim. Failure on the part of a resident to cooperate in the defense of a claim may result in a loss of insurance coverage.
Health Insurance - Residents and their immediate family are eligible for Health Insurance in one of the following programs: Sparrow Physicians Health Network, Physicians Health Plan of Mid Michigan or Blue Cross Blue Shield. Health Insurance coverage is effective the first of the month following the resident's starting date. Residents must contribute toward the cost of this coverage. Residents may elect to opt out of health insurance coverage and receive a waiver of coverage bonus of $50.00 per month, if they provide proof of having health insurance coverage through a source other than an entity wholly owned by Sparrow Health System. These insurance programs provide coverage for inpatient and outpatient medical, psychological, and consulting services. Residents also may participate in the Associate Assistance Program for confidential informal issues or concerns.
Disability Insurance - Longterm disability insurance is provided to protect the resident's income in the event of a disabling illness or injury. The insurance becomes effective the first of the month, following six (6) months of employment.
Life Insurance - Term life insurance is provided for the resident in an amount equal to two times their annual base salary rounded to the nearest thousand dollars. The insurance is effective after six(6) months of continuous service. Supplemental and/or Dependent life insurance coverage are available at the resident's expense. Residents must enroll in supplemental and/or dependent life insurance within thirty (30) days of hire.
Dental Insurance - Dental insurance is provided for both preventative and diagnostic services. The insurance is effective after (6) months of employment. Residents must contribute toward the cost of this coverage. Residents that elect to have dental insurance will receive vision insurance at no additional cost. Vision insurance for resident’s dependents may be added at the resident’s expense. Residents must enroll in dental and vision benefits within thirty (30) days of hire.
FlexCare Spending Accounts - Residents may voluntarily participate within 30 days of hire in the FlexCare Spending Account program which provides the opportunity for reimbursement on a pretax basis of covered health care and dependent care expenses.
401 (k) Plan - Residents will become a participant in the Sparrow Health System Retirement Savings Plan upon hire. An automatic deferral of 6% will be deducted from each paycheck unless the resident opts out within the first 60 days. Residents will immediately receive employer matching contributions of 50% on up to 6% of pay contributed each pay period. After obtaining one year of eligible service, Sparrow will contribute 3% of the residents pay annually.
V. Medical Care and Pharmaceutical
All members of Sparrow House Staff are given a preliminary complete physical examination, including the indicated laboratory and radiological workup, without expense to them. Indicated recommendations are made and the follow-up is at the individual's discretion.
House Staff and their dependents may arrange for health care through the Family Practice Program.
Professional Courtesy - Waiver of physician fees can be arranged as professional courtesy only upon prior discussion with the physician involved in medical care to you or your family.
The hospital will charge for any services/equipment provided (Xrays, lab procedures, bed occupancy, etc.) although these may be covered by the Resident's medical insurance and the Resident will be billed after any insurance coverage is utilized. Sparrow Hospital assumes no financial responsibility for medical care not covered under the provided health insurance.
Residents are eligible for discounts in services and products as specified in Human Resources policies including pharmaceuticals, home care services, inpatient and outpatient services not covered by insurance, and health care supplies.
VI. Other Benefits
Parking - Hospital parking privileges will be provided free of charge.
Faculty Appointment - The resident may be eligible for a clinical faculty appointment at an appropriate level, by the Michigan State University Colleges of Human or Osteopathic Medicine.
Quarters - Call quarters are provided for duty periods. The Hospital provides no housing for residents other than the on-call quarters.
Day Care - Residents are eligible to receive the associate discount for day care expenses at the Sparrow Child Time Day Care Center.
Employee benefit plans are reviewed at least annually and changes may be mandated by governmental regulation or may be desirable from the employer's standpoint. The employer reserves the right to add, terminate, alter, or replace the various benefit programs.
Sparrow Health System
The Sparrow Health System is a 650-bed non-profit, community governed, comprehensive integrated health delivery system. It is committed to improving the health status of all people throughout Michigan by providing quality, compassionate care to everyone, every time.
Sparrow Health System Services include: Cancer Center (regional); Children’s Center (regional); Community Health Education; Diabetes Center (regional); Medical Education and Clinical Research; Occupational Health Services; Pain Management Center (regional); Pharmacy Services; Pulmonary Diagnostic Services; and Women’s Services. Sparrow has a designated “Neurology Center of Excellence” comprised of specialists with one goal in mind to provide a complete range of care for patients with neurological disorders.
Recognitions for the Sparrow Health System include HCIA “100 Top Hospitals in the Nation”, HCIA “100 Top Hospitals for Cardiovascular Services”, JCAHO accreditation, and accreditation to the Sparrow Regional Cancer Center and Tumor Registry by the American College of Surgeons Commission on Cancer. Sparrow is Michigan's first certified Comprehensive Stroke Center. It is one of a few such programs in the United States. In addition, Neuro-Intervention is also under the direction of Sparrow's Stroke Neurologists and Neuro-Interventionalists. Sparrow’s Trauma Center has been verified as a Level 1 Trauma Center by the American College of Surgeons. It provides the latest technology in neurosurgery, neuroimaging, oncology, pediatrics and rehabilitative services. Sparrow is Michigan’s first member in the prestigious Mayo Clinic Care Network giving our doctors direct access to experts at Mayo Clinic. This collaboration is helping to provide some of the most advanced care in the nation.
The new Neuroscience Center opened in July 2013. This comprehensive patient-centered facility will bring together our leading-edge William & Claire Dart Stroke Center, Neuro-Interventional Unit, Neuro Trauma ICU, Epilepsy Monitoring Unit, Neurophysiology Unit and Neuro-Oncology Services, as well as a support for patients and their families on the top two floors of the Sparrow Tower. ( Sparrow Hospital
Michigan State University Department of Neurology
The Department of Neurology and Ophthalmology was formally established at Michigan State University on July 1, 2000. It is an outgrowth of the former Neuro-Ophthalmology and Clinical Neurosciences Unit that has existed on campus since 1986. The Department’s broad research program is supported in part by National Institutes of Health (NIH) grants and multiple other granting agencies. A current focus of this research is directed at diseases such as multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, optic neuritis, anterior ischemic optic neuropathy, stroke, and Parkinson’s disease. The Department also collaborates with dozens of affiliated basic neuroscience research laboratories on the MSU campus. The clinical responsibilities of the Department are fulfilled by on-campus faculty who have subspecialty training in a number of different disciplines of neurology. To enrich its research, clinical and educational programs, the Department also collaborates with numerous clinical faculty within Lansing and statewide.
Michigan State University
Founded in 1855 as an autonomous public institution of higher learning by and for the citizens of Michigan, this institution was in 1863 designated the beneficiary of the Morrill Act endowment. It became one of the earliest land-grant institutions in the United States. Since 1863, MSU has evolved into an internationally esteemed university, offering a comprehensive spectrum of programs and attracting gifted professors, staff members, and students. The University seeks excellence in all programs and activities, and this challenge for high achievement creates a dynamic atmosphere. At MSU, instruction, research, and public services are integrated to make the institution an innovative, responsive public resource.
MSU fulfills the fundamental purposes of all major institutions of higher education: to seek, to teach, and to preserve knowledge. As a land-grant institution, this university meets these objectives in all its formal and informal educational programs, in basic and applied research, and in public service. As an AAU institution, this university meets these commitments through its instructional and research programs. Through the excellence of its academic programs, the strength of its support services, and the range of its student activities, the university provides opportunities for the fullest possible development of the potential of each student and each citizen served, and enhances the quality of life and the economic viability of Michigan. Education of its citizens is the state’s best investment in its future. MSU has honored, and will continue to honor, this public trust.
The Michigan State University Department of Neurology is actively involved in promoting interactive learning between the department and our affiliated hospitals throughout the state via desktop videoconference (DVC) technology. The Department currently utilizes DVC technology with weekly state and interstate teleconferences. Additionally, neuroscientists are occasionally invited to deliver didactic lectures over DVC.
The Department of Neurology is involved in research in many areas, including multiple sclerosis, pediatrics, concussion, seizure, stroke, Parkinson’s disease, and Alzheimer’s disease. These projects include:
TARGET Intracranial Aneurysm Coiling Registry: A Prospective Clinical Efficacy and Safety Study of Stryker Target® 360° and Target® Helical Coils
A randomized, concurrent controlled trial to assess the safety and effectiveness of the Separator 3D as a component of the Penumbra System in the revascularization of large vessel occlusion in acute ischemic stroke (CGA #129004)-1 subject enrolled, currently enrolling
A pilot study of Aldosterone, Cortisol and Norepinephrine Levels in Patients with Acute, Large Vessel Ischemic Stroke—Investigator initiated
The THERAPY Trial: The Randomized, Concurrent Controlled Trial to Assess the Penumbra System’s Safety and Effectiveness in the Treatment of Acute Stroke
The Intravascular Cooling in the Treatment of Stroke 2/3 (ICTuS 2/3) Trial
Genetic Risk and AF Detection in Stroke (GRADS study)
Platelet-Oriented Inhibition in New TIA and minor ischemic stroke (POINT) Trial
Evaluating Aspirin Inhibition of Platelet Aggregation in Patients Presenting with Ischemic Stroke and Diabetes –Investigator initiated
A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo Controlled, Multicenter, Parallel Group Study To Evaluate The Efficacy And Safety Of Brivarecetam In Subjects (>/= 16 TO 80 Years Old) With Partial Onset Seizures
A Pilot Study of Functional MRI, Diffusion Tensor Imaging and Traditional Neuro-Psychological Testing Biomarkers as Prognostic Tools in Sports Concussion
A Longitudinal Study of functional MRI, Diffusion Tensor Imaging and Traditional Neuro-Psychological Testing Biomarkers in Freshman Athletes following Sport-Related Concussion
JCV Antibody Program in Patients with Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis Receiving or Considering Treatment with Tysabri: Stratify-2
A Multicenter, Observational, Open-Label, Single-Arm Study of Tysabri in Early Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis in Anti-JCV Antibody Negative Patients
The measurement of red blood cell ATP as a biomarker of multiple sclerosis disease activity
Pediatrics (Being performed by active MSU Faculty with off campus assignment in Sub-Saharan Africa.)
The burden of pediatric neurologic disease in Ethiopia
Epilepsy or Developmental Disability from Uncomplicated Malaria
Viral co-infections in retinopathy negative cerebral malaria
A Dose-Escalation, Safety and Feasibility Study of Enteral Levetiracetam for Seizure Control in Pediatric Cerebral Malaria
Parkinson’s Disease:
A Multicenter, Double-Blind, Parallel Group, Placebo Controlled Study of Creatine in Subjects with Treated Parkinson's Disease (PD)LS-1
A Multi-Center, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Phase II Study of Pioglitazone in Early Parkinson’s Disease
A Phase 2, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Multiple Dose, Parallel Group Study to Evaluate the Pharmacodynamics, Efficacy and Safety of RM-131 Administered to Patients with Parkinson’s Disease and Chronic Constipation Dissatisfied with Current Therapy
A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of urate elevating inosine treatment to slow clinical decline in early Parkinson disease
Effects of task complexity on acoustic characteristics of Parkinsonian speech
Neural processes that influence the contents of working memory
Alzheimer’s Disease:
A Randomized, 18-week, Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind,Parallel Group Study of the Safety and Efficacy of PF-05212377(SAM-760) in Subjects with Mild-to-Moderate Alzheimer’s Disease with Existing Neuropsychiatric Symptoms on a Stable Daily Dose of Donepezil
A Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind, Parallel-Group, Bayesian Adaptive Randomization Design and Dose Regimen-finding Study with an Open-Label Extension Phase to Evaluate Safety, Tolerability and Efficacy of BAN2401 in Subjects With Early Alzheimer’s Disease
A Phase 2 Randomized Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Trial to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of BHV-4157 in Patients with Mild to Moderate Alzheimer’s Disease
A Phase 3, multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study to assess the efficacy, safety, and tolerability of AVP-786 (deuterated [d6]-dextromethorphan hydrobromide [d6-DM]/quinidine sulfate [Q]) for the treatment of agitation in patients with dementia of the Alzheimer’s type.
A Phase 3, Multicenter, Long-term, Extension Study of the Safety and Efficacy of AVP-786 (deuterated [d6] dextromethorphan hydrobromide [d6-DM]/quinidine sulfate [Q]) for the Treatment of Agitation in Patients with Dementia of the Alzheimer’s Type
Additional research:
Distal Symmetric Polyneuropathies in Zambia
Conversion rate from ocular to generalized myasthenia gravis after 3 years of follow-up
Appearance of cavernous angiomas after brain radiation therapy
Lansing/East Lansing Area
The tri-county Lansing area is also the capital of Michigan, home to nearly 500,000 people. Lansing and its surrounding area offer a host of activities for everyone, regardless of age. In every season, there are thrills and traditions to be experienced by all. Whether you love sports, shopping, fairs, or music, Greater Lansing has a spectacular list of things to do and places to visit. Read why Mid-Michigan Region is the best of both worlds! Some of the local attractions include:
Abrams Planetarium
Wharton Center for Performing Arts
Breslin Student Events Center
Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum
Beaumont Tower on the MSU campus
WJ Beal Botanical Garden on the MSU campus
Old Town Historic District
Impression 5 Science Center
- Lansing Area Things To Do Guide
Michigan Athletic Club
Michigan Historical Museum
Michigan Women’s Historical Center and Hall of Fame
Michigan State University Virtual Tour
Potter Park Zoo
Fenner Nature Center
William M. Burchfield Park/Riverbend Nature Area
Frances Park
Lake Lansing Parks
Lansing Recreational Facilities
Lansing River Trail
Northern Tier Trail
The Ledges in Grand Ledge and Fitzgerald Park
East Lansing Family Aquatics Center
State Capitol Building
Turner-Dodge House and Park
MSU Spring Arts and Crafts Show/East Lansing Art Festival
Lansing Jazz Fest
Common Ground Music Festival
Silver Bells in the City
- Things to Do In Michigan-Fall Bucket List
Wonderland of Lights at Potter Park Zoo
If sports are your passion, we have just the ticket. We offer athletics in the form of a variety of MSU sports, including football, basketball, and hockey.
The Lansing Lugnuts is the local minor league baseball team which plays in the 10,000 seat Jackson Field Stadium.
Michigan State University and Sparrow Health System offer an in-depth, didactically rich, clinical neurology experience to residents successful in application to this program. The experience offers a well-balanced integration between inpatient and outpatient experience. The residency has the unique feature of being able to provide an aggressive research experience based in MSU’s affiliated clinical neuroscience and neurobiology laboratories if desired by the successful candidate. There is a broad didactic educational experience based on resident exposure to multiple neuroscience courses already offered on campus. Graduating neurology residents will be prepared to perform well on certifying examinations and to provide excellent care for their patients. We anticipate residents entering academic programs or well regarded private neurology practice upon graduation.