International Neurologic and Psychiatric Epidemiology Program (INPEP)
Neurology and psychiatric disorders account for ~28% of the global burden of disease and disability, but the clinical expertise and research capacity to conduct meaningful assessments of common conditions such as epilepsy and post-infectious neuropsychiatric disorders reside almost entirely in the US and other developed countries. INPEP is dedicated to the study of common neurologic and psychiatric disorders that impact public health in low income, developing regions of the world. Such conditions include neurodevelopmental disabilities, neuro-HIV related problems, cerebral malaria, and CNS infectious as well as common psychiatric conditions such as anxiety, depression or behavioral disorders which may be more common or have unique risk factors in these settings. Multidisciplinary training and collaborations involving MSU experts in neurology, psychiatry, epidemiology, and radiology are central to this effort. Additional expertises include those found in the social sciences, anthropology, political science, health services research, and the basic biomedical sciences. The research undertaken by INPEP strives to place the diseases under study in the appropriate social and geopolitical context.
Founded in 2005, today INPEP includes Core Faculty from Neurology, Psychiatry, Epidemiology, Radiology, and Internal Medicine with several ongoing collaborations in Africa, Latin American and Asia. Ongoing NIH-funded endeavors include studies of cerebral malaria in Malawi, epilepsy and HIV in Zambia, HIV in Uganda and substance abuse in Latin America. Students and fellows working with INPEP faculty gain experience in multidisciplinary studies conducted in international settings. As a result of their research and international outreach, INPEP faculties serve as consultants and expert advisors to the World Health Organization, Institute of Medicine and various Ministries of Health.
Ongoing research projects include:
- A cohort study of HIV-associated seizures and epilepsy (CHASE)
- Epilepsy associated stigma in Zambia: Evidence-based interventions & outcomes (EASZ)