Michael Boivin

Academic Appointments

2011-Present: Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, University of Michigan Medical School, 2006-Present: Associate Professor, Michigan State University, Neurology and Psychiatry, 2006-Present: Core faculty, Michigan State University, International Neurological and Psychiatric Epidemiology Program, 2006-Present: Core Faculty, Michigan State University, African Studies Center, 2006-Present: Consulting Faculty, Michigan State University, Faculty Women and International Development - Center for the Study of Women and Gender in Global Perspective, 1993-Present: Adjunct Research Investigator, Department of Psychiatry, University of Michigan, 1996-2006: Professor, Indiana Wesleyan University, Psychology, 1990-1996: Professor, Spring Arbor University, Psychology, 1984-1990: Associate Professor, Spring Arbor University, Psychology, 1980-1984: Assistant Professor, Spring Arbor University, Psychology


  • M.P.H., University of Michigan, Public Health Policy and Administration 1994
  • Ph.D., Western Michigan University, Experimental Analysis of Behavior 1980
  • M.A., Western Michigan University, Experimental Analysis of Behavior 1978
  • B.A., Spring Arbor College, Psychology 1976

Postdoctoral Training

Sabbatical support from Spring Arbor University for Research and Training in Neuropsychology Assessment and PET-scan Neuroimaging, Neuropsychology Section, as a visiting Associate Professor to the Department of Psychiatry, University of Michigan 1987-1988


  • Boivin, M.J., Okitundu, D., Makila-Mabe, B., Sombo, M-T., Mumba, D., Tylleskar, T., Page, C., Tamfum-Muyembe, J-J., & Tshala-Katumbay, D. (2013). Neuropsychological effects of konzo: a neuromotor disorder associated with cassava. Pediatrics, in press. (IF = 5.44).
  • Boivin, M.J., Bangirana, P., Nakasujja, N., Page, C., Shohet, C., Givon, D., Bass, J., Opoka, R.O., & Klein, P. (2013). A year-long caregiver training program to improve neurocognition in preschool Ugandan children affected by HIV. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, in press. (IF = 2.14).
  • Bangirana P., Menk J., John C.C., Boivin M.J., & Hodges J.S. (2013). The association between cognition and academic performance in Ugandan children surviving malaria with neurological involvement. PLoS One, in press. (IF = 5.68)
  • Postels, D.G., Chimalizeni, Y.F., Mallewa, M., Boivin, M.J., & Seydel, K.B. (2013). Pediatric cerebral malaria: a scourge of Africa. Future Neurology, 8(1), 67–85. (IF = 2.46)
  • Tshala-Katumbay, D., Mumba, D., Okitundu, D., Kazadi, K., Banea, M., Tylleskar, T., Boivin, M.J., & Tamfum-Muyembe, J-J. (2013) Cassava food toxins, konzo disease and neurodegeneration in sub-Sahara Africans. Neurology, in press. (IF = 8.31).
  • Joseph, J., Achim, C., Boivin, M., Brew, B., Clifford, D., Colosi, D., Ellis, R., Heaton, R., Gallo-Diop, G., Grant, I., Kanmogne, G., Kumar, K., Letendre, S., Marcotte, T., Nath, A., Pardo, C., Paul, R., Pulliam, L., Robertson, K., Royal, W., Sacktor, N., Sithinamsuwan, P., Smith, D., Valcour, V., Wigdahl, B., Wood, C., & Rausch, D., (2013). Global NeuroAIDS Roundtable. Journal of Neurovirology, in press. (IF = 2.31).
  • Bergemann, T.L., Bangirana, P., Boivin, M.J., Connett, J.E., Giordani, B.J., & John, C.C. (2012). Statistical approaches to assess the effects of disease on neurocognitive function over time. Journal of Biometrics and Biostatistics, S7:016. doi:10.4172/2155-6180.S7-016. (IF = 1.50).
  • Ruel, T.D., Boivin, M.J., Boal, H.E., Bangirana, P., Charlebois, E., Havlir, D.V., Rosenthal, P.J., Dorsey, G., Achan, J., Akello, C., Kamya, M.R., & Wong, J.K. (2012). Impairment of neurocognitive and motor function in HIV-infected Ugandan children with high CD4 Counts. Clinical Infectious Disease; doi: 10.1093/cid/cir1037. (IF = 8.19).
  • Bangirana, P., Allebeck, P., Boivin, M.J., John, C.C., Page, C., Ehnvall, A., & Musisi, S. (2011). Cognitive rehabilitation in Ugandan children after severe malaria: effects on cognition, academic achievement and behaviour. BMC Neurology, 11:96. http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2377/11/96.* (IF = 2.80).
  • Bangirana, P., Musisi, S., Boivin, M.J., Ehnvall, A., John, C.C., Bergemann, T.L., & Allebeck, P. (2011). Malaria with neurological involvement in Ugandan children: effect on cognitive ability, academic achievement and behaviour. Malaria Journal 10:334; http://www.malariajournal.com/content/10/1/334.* (IF = 3.49).
  • Boivin, M.J., Gladstone, M.J., Vokhiwa, M., Birbeck, G.L., Magen, J.G., Page, C., Semrud-Clikeman, M., Kauye, F., & Taylor, T.E. (2011). Developmental outcomes in Malawian children with retinopathy-confirmed cerebral malaria. Tropical Medicine & International Health, Mar;16(3):263-271. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3156.2010.02704.x. Epub 2010 Dec 8. * (IF=2.33)
  • Blow, A., Swiecicki, P., Haan, P., Osuch, J., Symonds, L., Smith, S., Walsh, K., & Boivin, M. (2011). From an out of the blue diagnosis to acceptance/peace: the emotional journey of women experiencing a breast abnormality. Qualitative Health Research, 21. 10 (Oct 2011): 1316-1334.* (IF = 1.66)
  • Boivin, M.J., Ruel, T.D., Boal, H.E., Bangirana, P., Cao, H., Eller, L-A., Charlebois, E., Havlir, D.V., Kamya, M.R., Achan, J., Akello, C., & Wong, J.K. (2010). HIV Subtype A is associated with poorer neuropsychological performance compared to subtype D in ART-naïve Ugandan children. AIDS. 24(8):1163-1170, May 15, 2010.* (IF = 5.84)
  • Boivin, M.J., Busman, R.A., Parikh, S.M., Bangirana, P., Page, C.F., Opoka, R.O., & Giordani, B. (2010). A pilot study of the neuropsychological benefits of computerized cognitive rehabilitation in Ugandan children with HIV. Neuropsychology, Vol. 24(5), 667–673.* (IF = 2.99)
  • Boivin, M.J., Ryan, K.A., , Aldridge, K.A., & Giordani, B. (2011). Transfer-of-learning effect with the Tactual Performance Test using familiar and unfamiliar shapes with American, Lao, and Senegalese Children. Developmental Neuropsychology, 36:1 (in press).* (IF = 1.96)
  • Boivin, M.J., Bangirana, P., & Smith, R.C. (2010). The relationship between visual-spatial and auditory-verbal working memory span in Senegalese and Ugandan children. PLoS ONE, 5(1):e8914. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0008914.* (IF = 5.68)


  • RO1 HD073296 (Boivin, Fowler) 08/01/2012 – 07/30/2017 Developmental and Growth Outcomes for ARV Exposed HIV Uninfected African Children. Role: PI
  • R03HD070723 (Boivin, Bass) 03/01/2013 – 02/30/2017 Type 3 Supplemental Grant: Enhancing Ugandan HIV-affected child development with caregiver training. Role: PI
  • R01HD070723 (Boivin, Bass) 08/01/11 – 07/31/16 Enhancing Ugandan HIV-affected child development with caregiver training. Role: PI
  • D43TW009082 (John) 06/01/11 - 05/31/16 Research training in infection and neurodevelopment in Uganda. Role: Mentor
  • R01HD064416 (Boivin, Nakasujja) 04/01/2011-03/31/2016 Computerized cognitive rehabilitation in children after severe malaria. Role: PI
  • R01ES019841 (Tshala-Katumbay) 04/01/2011-03/31/2016 Toxicodietary and genetic determinants of susceptibility to neurodegeneration. Role: Co-I
  • R34MH084782 (Boivin) 03/01/2010 – 02/28/2014. Neuropsychological Benefits of Cognitive Training in Ugandan HIV Children. Role: PI
  • MSU Discretionary Funding Initiative (DFI) (Boivin) 09/01/2012 – 08/21/2014 Office of the Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies $60,000 Neuropsychological Benefits of Cognitive Training in Ugandan and Kenyan HIV Children. Role: PI
  • University of Michigan Global Reach Faculty-Mentored Structured Summer Overseas Projects for Medical Students. (Giordani, Boivin) 06/01/2010-8/31/2013 Cognitive Rehabilitation with HIV positive Children in Uganda. Role: Co-PI
  • RO1NS055349 (John) 5/01/2008-4/30/2013 NIH/NINDS $2,660,830 Pathogenesis of Cognitive/neurologic Deficits in Central Nervous System Malaria (Uganda). Role: Co-I
  • U01HD064698 (John) 10/01/2009 – 01/30/2014 Acute vs. Delayed Iron Therapy: Effect on Iron Status, Anemia and Cognition. Role: Other Significant Contributor
  • UM1 AI068632 (Boivin) 06/01/2012 – 05/31/2015 A Longitudinal Developmental and Neuropsychological Assessment of the P1060 Clinical Trial Cohorts and HIV-uninfected Controls. Role: Protocol Chair
  • R01HD074261 (Butler) 08/01/2012 – 06/30/2016 Comparative Effectiveness of Pediatric HIV Disclosure Interventions in Uganda. Role: Consultant
  • R01HD071664 (van der Kouwe, Willem, Meintje, Laughton) 09/01/11-06/30/16 Longitudinal Neuroimaging and Cognitive Study of HIV-Infected Children. Role: Consultant
  • R21MH097115 (Huang) 3/01/2013-2/30/2015 Disseminating a School Based Child Mental Health Prevention Program in Uganda. Role: Consultant
  • R34MH082663 (Boivin) 4/01/2008-2/28/2012 Cognitive and psychosocial benefits of caregiver training in Ugandan HIV children. Role: PI
  • Templeton Advanced Research Program (Boivin) 6/01/2006-11/28/2010 Breast cancer disease and treatment: modeling the relationships among spiritual and emotional well-being, quality of life, neuropsychological function, and immunological resilience. Role: PI
  • R21HD060524 (Bodeau-Livinec) 03/01/2010 – 02/28/2012 Anemia in pregnancy in Benin and impact on cognitive function in childhood. Role: Consultant
  • R21MH083166 (Wong) 5/01/2008-4/30/2010 Variation in neurocognitive impairment of HIV Ugandan children by HIV subtype. Role: Co-I

Research Interests

A former Fulbright research scholar to the Democratic Republic of Congo (1990-91) and to Uganda (2003-04), as well as an adjunct associate professor of psychiatry at the University of Michigan Medical School.  Dr. Boivin presently leads NIH-NICHD sponsored studies in Uganda pertaining to the neurocognitive rehabilitation in children surviving severe malaria and early caregiver training to enhance cognitive and psychosocial development in children with HIV. This includes the NIMH R34 study on the cognitive rehabilitation of children with HIV in an impoverished area of rural Uganda. He is serving as Protocol Chair of an NIH-sponsored substudy in IMPAACT 1060 RCT protocol (p1104s) to conduct a neuropsychological evaluation of  HIV-infected children on different antiretoviral  treatment arms in resource limited African settings.  He is also collaborating on studies evaluating the neurcognitive effects cerebral malaria in Malawian and in Ugandan children, as well as on a recently completed R21 study on the developmental effects of maternal anemia in very young children in Benin.

Dr. Boivin presently directs the neuropsychological assessment program in an NIH/NIEHS-sponsored study of konzo, a neurotoxic disease from poorly processed cassava in the DR Congo.  Over the past 25 years he has pioneered the application of neuropsychological assessment in gauging the neurocognitive impact of public health risk factors and interventions in African children. Much of this work is encapsulated in a co-edited book on the Neuropsychology of Children in Africa: Perspectives on Risk and Resilience (New York: Springer Publishing, 2013). More information can be found at www.thriveearly.msu.edu .

Below is a link to a video interview Dr. Boivin did pertaining to his use of the KABC-2 in Africa and has recently been posted to a resource website for the KABC. If you are interested in viewing this interview, please click on the link below:


For more in-depth information on current projects, visit the following links: 













Health Prize winner in 1st annual Science and Religion Contest, Science & Theology News, Essay on research project entitled "Responding as whole persons in the face of life-threatening disease: Emotional and spiritual well-being, quality of life, neuropsychological function, and immunological resilience." (2005), Fulbright African Regional Research Award, Council for the International Exchange of Scholars and U.S. Dept. of State, Makerere University Kampala, Uganda, Recipient for the study of the neuropsychological effects of early cerebral malaria in children (2003-2004) , Fellow, John Templeton Oxford Seminar on Science and Christianity, John Templeton Foundation and the Council of Christian Colleges and Universities, Oxford University, Wycliffe Hall (2001-1998) , University Distinguished Faculty Designation, Michigan State University, June 2023

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